


  • Fresh roses in various colors
  • Floral wire
  • Scissors
  • Floral foam
  • Decorative elements (optional)


1. Prepare the Roses:

  • Remove any leaves from the stems.
  • Cut the stems to the desired length, typically around 18-24 inches.

2. Create the Base:

  • Wrap floral wire around the base of a flower stem, leaving a few inches of wire exposed.
  • Secure the wire with a few drops of floral glue.

3. Attach the Roses:

  • Start by attaching the smallest roses to the wire, working your way up in size.
  • Use floral wire to secure the roses in place.
  • Leave some space between the roses for air circulation.

4. Add Decorative Elements:

  • Once the base is filled with roses, you can add decorative elements such as ribbons, beads, or feathers.
  • Secure them with floral wire.

5. Fill in the Gaps:

  • Use floral foam to fill in any gaps between the roses.
  • Cut the floral foam to the same length as the stems.

6. Secure the Stems:

  • Use floral wire to secure the stems together.
  • Trim the stems to the desired length.

7. Finishing Touches:

  • Add a few drops of floral perfume to enhance the fragrance.
  • Trim the stems to the desired length.


  • Use a variety of colors and sizes of roses for a more interesting look.
  • Experiment with different decorative elements to create a unique bouquet.
  • Let the flowers dry completely before handling them.
  • Store the bouquet in a cool, dry place.